About Us

Our Background And What We Stand For

Founded in 2023, we've grown from a small studio to a global lifestyle brand, redefining modern luxury interior design along the way. Our company is led by 3 main beliefs: Firstly, luxury home designs should be made accessible. Secondly, you should not have to compromise on the uniqueness or quality of your space because of your budget. Lastly, our budget should go towards your home and not hidden middle-men fees. With these beliefs at the forefront of everything we do, we create stunning, personalized interiors that reflect your style and meet your needs, all while maintaining transparency

This is a wabisabi open concept living and dining area, wabisabi japanese interior design style
Contact Us

Starting A Project?

Chat with our founders and discover our professional interior design process. Take the first step to bringing your dream space to life.

This is a picture of a modern luxury jungle inspired bedroom
© 2024 IDLN PTE LTD. 202334628Z
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We are excited to hear all about your latest project. Book a call with us today.
